SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS will be made available March 1st and are DUE April 30, 2025

High Bridge Foundation, Inc. will award two (2) $4,000 Impact Awards, five (5) $2,000 Scholarship Awards and seven (7) $1,000 Book Awards to deserving seniors who are graduating in the Spring of 2025 from schools located in the District of Columbia, Anne Arundel County, Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Charles County, Howard County, Montgomery County, and Prince George’s County in Maryland, and Alexandria City, Arlington County, and Fairfax County in Virginia.  The awards are intended to help students who are facing and overcoming personal and family hardship conditions, including financial, to pursue post-secondary education at trade schools, community colleges, colleges or universities.

Purpose of Scholarships.  Each scholarship is designated to help support the cost of the recipient’s trade school, community college, college, or university matriculation. The Impact Award will be distributed over two (2) years, $2,000 each, provided the awardee remains in good standing. The Scholarship Award will be distributed over two (2) years, $1,000 each, provided the awardee remains in good standing.  The Book Award will be distributed over two (2) semesters, $500 each, provided the awardee remains in good standing.  Awarded funds will be disbursed directly to the recipient’s school.

Who may apply?  A student who meets the following criteria is eligible to apply:

  • Is a graduating high school senior from a public, private, or charter school located in the District of Columbia, Anne Arundel County, Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Charles County, Howard County, Montgomery County, and Prince George’s County in Maryland, and Alexandria City, Arlington, and Fairfax County in Virginia.
  • Has a minimum cumulative weighted GPA of 3.0 at the conclusion of the first semester (or second quarter) of the 2024-2025 school year.  (An applicant whose GPA falls short of the minimum requirement will be considered, provided the applicant is able to demonstrate substantial and notable academic progress given hardship conditions.  Examples of hardship may include poverty, immigration, or adversity such as a disability, tragedy, or trauma.)
  • Has been admitted to a trade school, community college, college, or university and will attend such institution full time.

Selection of Scholarship and Book Award recipients will be based on application ratings in the following areas of consideration:

  • Hardship condition
  • Academic achievement (with consideration of adverse or extenuating personal circumstances)
  • Demonstrated leadership
  • Community service

Scholarship Application Forms.  Scholarship information may be obtained from your high school guidance counselor, and the application form can be downloaded, printed, or completed from highbridgefoundation.org

Application Deadline.  Applications must be received on or before April 30, 2025.  Late or incomplete applications will not be processed.  Email your application materials to scholarship@highbridgefoundation.org or mail them to

High Bridge Foundation, Inc.
Attn:  Scholarship Selection Committee
P.O. Box 1003
Bowie, MD  20718-1003

Award Notification.  Scholarship awardees will be notified by phone and/or e-mail on May 31, 2025.  Awardees will be recognized at an in-person Scholarship Awards event in Washington, D.C. on Saturday, June 14, 2025. If you have questions or need more information, contact scholarship@highbridgefoundation.org